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Rivermont Schools and Your Life ABA host joint open house event in Roanoke, VA

Rivermont Schools and Your Life ABA held a joint open house at Roanoke Southwest and Southeast campuses on Wednesday, September 20th, to showcase their improved facilities in Roanoke, Virginia.  

Roanoke Southwest’s building had undergone a renovation at the beginning of last year consisting of newly decorated bulletin boards and charming classrooms with personal touches added by staff. Roanoke Principal, Ashley Huff said, “We love and are so appreciative of the hard work that went into making our building what it is now. We were so excited to show it off, the staff really came together to make this event special, and I can’t describe how amazing that was to see.”  

Roanoke Southeast’s school campus was excited to present the expansion of three additional classrooms in their building. Students at both schools were proud to show off their classrooms to their families. The improvement of these elements enhanced the authentic school experience that Rivermont Schools aims to achieve. Your Life ABA clinic construction has provided multiple new therapy rooms, daily living areas, and enhanced facilities to allow staff to provide effective ABA.    

In addition to touring the updated facilities, attendees also participated in many fun fall-themed activities, like painting pumpkins at the gymnasium pumpkin patch, crafting decorative artwork, and engaging in many sensory activities. There was also food, acorn-shaped snacks and cookies, and beverages for everyone to enjoy.  

“It was a pleasure to host our families and LEAs for our Fall into Learning Open House event. Staff enjoyed spending time with our families and engaging their students and other family members in fall-themed activities. We look forward to hosting more events for our families!” said Roanoke Southeast Principal Brittany Bocock.