In District Placement
Enhancing Opportunities for Student Success in the Public School Setting
In District Placement (IDP) programs have become a crucial component of public-school districts, serving students with diverse learning needs within the comfort and familiarity of their local schools. In partnership with districts, New Story provides classrooms through our In District Placement program to students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, behavioral challenges, or emotional disturbance, who require additional support outside of general education classroom but within a public-school setting and in the least restrictive environment.
Whether joining IDP as a single district or by consortium, by utilizing existing district resources and leveraging partnerships, districts can provide high-quality services while optimizing resources. This program provides cost effective solutions to meeting student needs within the district, with the added benefit of providing added capacity to your current staff and building leaders.

Understanding In-District Placement
In District Placement program provides state-aligned curriculum infused with therapeutic support services to students with special needs within their neighborhood schools. It promotes inclusive education, allowing students to learn alongside their peers while receiving individualized support tailored to their unique needs. With our partners, the public school district provides classroom space, and our staff are embedded in the classrooms to provide educational and clinical services to students with the goal of re-integration with their general education peers. We work closely with the school administration and teachers to ensure continuity of the program for the students. Championing In District Placement programs demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity, and the success of each student within the district's care.
Academic Achievement and Social and Emotional Development:
In District Placement (IDP) allows students to access grade-level curriculum while receiving targeted support in the least restrictive environment. This inclusive environment promotes academic growth, fosters peer relationships, and enhances overall educational and behavioral outcomes. Students in In District Placement benefit from receiving tiered levels of support from a licensed special education teacher, two support staff, and a floating Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), who provide students with the academic curriculum and therapeutic support to achieve success. Students learn to manage behaviors and receive the tools they need to be successful in a general education classroom setting.

Family Engagement:
Strengthening the connection between families and their neighborhood schools, IDP provides parents and caregivers with the opportunity to actively participate in their child's education, collaborate with educators, and contribute to decision-making processes, with the support of expert and specially trained New Story staff. Additionally, families enjoy continuity in routine and setting, and can be assured that their child or young adult is working toward each Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goal, while gaining critical academic knowledge, social and life skills contributing to their academic and life success.
Teacher Support:
In District Placement provides added capacity to public school staff, who may not possess the resources, knowledge, skills, or capacity to educate and support students with more severe needs and behaviors. The IDP program closes the resource gap, employing a licensed special education teacher, two support staff, and a floating BCBA, supplying direct and immediate support in the school. This can alleviate feelings of burnout and frustration for staff who may not be fully equipped to support special education students.