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News and Events


New Story Schools Holds Behavior Science Conference

On September 30 and October 1, 2021, we were thrilled to host behavior analysts and educators from around the country at the Behavior Science in Special Education Conference, formerly Haugland Learning Center’s National Institute of Effective Instruction. Over these two days, we welcomed teams into the Columbus, Ohio campus of New Story Schools to observe classroom management techniques in action.

Friday brought fabulous weather and a day at the Columbus Zoo. From our meeting room, our speakers held attention despite the distraction from roving giraffes and zebras outside the window. We were thrilled to welcome:

  • Rick Kubina from Penn State as he discussed pinpointing methodology for measuring and benchmarking behaviors.
  • Jessica Von Stratton addressed self-management strategies for problem solving.
  • Jonathan Amey had a tough act to follow. Right after lunch and animal encounters, he presented very clear and actionable strategies for improving movement to help clients achieve better outcomes.
  • Bill Heward finished off the day with an address on ethics in special education.

Following the speakers, our attendees roamed the zoo and made some animal friends.

We were excited to welcome everyone and look forward to next year!