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Behavior Science in Special Education Conference

Formerly the National Institute of Effective Instruction, this year our conference boasts a new focus on providing practical guidance on incorporating the very best behavior science practices to build effective special education.

Day 1 provides attendees the opportunity to observe behavior science in action during live classes at our Columbus campus. Witness how educators put best practices into practice.

On Day 2, attendees gather at the world-renowned Columbus Zoo and Aquarium to listen as industry-leading speakers share their insights into improving special education using a variety of behavioral science topics and techniques. Speakers include:

  • Rick Kubina, Professor of Special Education at Penn State
  • Jonathan Amey, Founder and Program Director at AIMS
  • Jessica Van Stratton, Associate Professor and Behavior Analysis Program Chair at Western Michigan University
  • Keynote Speaker, William L. Heward, Ed.D., BCBA-D, is professor emeritus in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University

You can watch the giraffes roam outside while inside you gather ideas and strategies that you can immediately put into place in your classroom or district.

Attendees will receive Continuing Education Credits for conference Attendance.

Thursday, September 30 to Friday, October 1

Columbus, OH

Register Today at Eventbrite

Book your conference hotel room by using this link to the Fairfield Inn and Suites in Columbus/Dublin Ohio.

You can also book a room at the Hampton Inn Columbus/Dublin. To initiate the group rate at this hotel, click on "Special Rates" and use the code HGL.

Onsite transportation provided as part of your conference registration fees.

Thinking it over? Please sign up for our email list so we can keep you posted with updates and developments about the conference!