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An elementary school boy sits in front of a computer in his special education school while holding up a page of autographs.



Supporting Young Adults with Autism by Embracing Their Unique Abilities

Supporting Young Adults with Autism by Embracing Their Unique Abilities

As young adults with autism transition into adulthood, they have incredible potential to positively impact the world. With a little understanding and support, we can empower these individuals to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to society. Let’s explore some practical ways we can help young adults with autism thrive and be a part of a world that can benefit from their unique abilities.  

1. Learning together: As with all young adults heading out into the big adult world, young adults with autism want to learn, grow, and achieve goals they set for themselves. Schools that focus on inclusivity and supporting their dreams provide enjoyment and opportunities to lead a productive and fruitful life.   

2. Discovering passions and dreams: Encouragement and exploration is needed for growth and understanding. It can be in art, music, science, gardening or anything else that can support their interests and set them up for success. 

3. Understanding work: The workforce can certainly benefit many attributes for young adults with autism. By supporting them with proper guidance and some training, they can develop skills that match their interests to find job opportunities to bring out their best talents.  

4. Making strong social connections: Friends and supportive family members are essential for everyone. Young adults with autism are no different. Involvement in social activities and social groups will benefit the young adult to aid in developing meaningful and positive relationships.  

5. Life skills for independence: Learning everyday skills such as cooking, cleaning, handling money, and finding or understanding transportation helps the young adult gain independence and gain valuable knowledge to navigate the world with confidence.  

6. Family and community: Love, support, encouragement, and wisdom of family and friends will help young adults with autism feel more accepted and empowered to go after their passions and dreams.  

7. Time to celebrate: Celebrating success is critical no matter what the situation. It can be as big as finishing a college course, finding a job, or learning a new subject matter. It can be as small as making a meal, folding clothes, or tidying a room or apartment. Acknowledging these accomplishments will boost their confidence and it will motivate them to keep doing a great job.  

8. Awareness and acceptance: Diversity is a key part of this world. Continue to promote and advocate for children and young people with autism. Lift up and speak up about their unique talents and spotlight their achievements, just like any other child or young adult.  

In conclusion, supporting young adults with autism is no different than any other child: support learning and discovery, let them chase a passion, give them recognition, and celebrate success. These individuals are unique and can achieve goals to be a valuable contributor to community and society as a whole. Embracing diversity and promoting acceptance allows us to build a more well-rounded world where everyone can shine, thrive, and make our world a better place.

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