Meet Corey: A Heart of Gold
Posted: April 20, 2023 | Written By: Katie Fitzgerald | Category:

Corey: Age: 18, Grade: 12
Campus: Indiana, PA
Loves: Playing outside, football, Legos, and Pokémon, the movies Robocop (a described ‘oldie,’) and The Shining.
Siblings: Three
Interesting Fact: Corey saved his neighbor’s life! When his next-door neighbor fell off of his tractor, Corey found him and ran to get help.
Favorite Teacher: Ms. Nyielah Davis, Academic and Behavior Support staff who shoots hoops with him
Currently Learning: Fractions in math class, which come easily to Corey. He’s working on a Picasso-inspired piece for the art fair.
Future Plans: Wants to be a mail carrier and know everyone in town. Short term plans include the school prom, which is rodeo themed this year!
Big Wins: Corey has a heart of gold. His classmates adore him, with one student describing him as a ‘beloved and handsome man.’ He has an incredible sense of humor where he likes to jump out and ‘scare’ the adults in the building. Rebecca Compardo, BCBA, MA, Director, New Story Schools Indiana, described Corey as a role model for other students, especially those who are younger.
He’s reached the Natural stage, which provides him with more opportunities like participating in the student council, planning and running activities for other students like the school’s recent carnival, and serving as a leader in the school.
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