Emotional Support Resources - Springfield, VA
Posted: November 24, 2021 | Written By: Melody Gopee | Category: At Home Help

New Story Schools prides itself on being part of the vast and vibrant special education community in the areas we serve. However, we know that for most families, the need for services and support rarely ends with the school day. Luckily, most areas offer a lot of additional services for emotional support.
For our families in Springfield, Va. here are just a few ideas of other resources.
Emotional Support Resources:
- INOVA Behavioral Health Services “Offer a broad range of programs and services designed to meet people where they are and help them move forward – to survive and, ultimately, thrive. Inova Behavioral Health Services offers comprehensive inpatient and outpatient behavioral healthcare at locations across Northern Virginia. Our approach enables people to receive the right level of help for them, at any point of need.” Learn more here: https://www.inova.org/our-services/inova-behavioral-health-services
- National Alliance on Mental Health – Northern Virginia (NAMI–NOVA) “offers classes, support groups, and other services to individuals living with mental health conditions and their families and friends at no cost to participants. We also provide public presentations to raise awareness and educate within our community.” Learn more here: https://www.nami-northernvirginia.org/
- PACE Mental Health Springfield “Provides the life-changing services individuals need to reach lasting stability and independence from their mental and behavioral health struggles.” They offer services to help treat both mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders. Learn more here: https://www.pacementalhealthspringfield.com/
Please note that New Story Schools is not affiliated with, nor do we endorse, these services, but simply provide this as a research resource.
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