Weekly Tips for Surviving Back-to-School
Posted: August 04, 2021 | Written By: Jessica Sharpe | Category: At Home Help

For some families, preparing for a new school year can be exciting. Your child is heading off to begin a new grade level, they are getting older and gaining more responsibilities and developing their own routines. However, for the family who has a child with autism or other special needs, getting ready to embark on a new school year can be stressful, challenging, and completely overwhelming for both the child and the family. So, what can you do to attempt to avoid these unfortunate pitfalls and start a new school year off right?
Getting back to Basics
During the summer, our schedules are less structured. We are enjoying the longer days and the freedom and flexibility to slow down and steer off track a bit. Though, as we say goodbye to June and July, we know we need to begin getting back on track and returning to basics. How do you do that you ask? Follow this weekly series on tips of getting back into the routine and not only surviving, but thriving in back to school.
A Month before the Start of School:
- Begin to reset your child’s bedtime and wakeup schedule.
- Begin talking about school. This might look like looking at pictures of their teachers and peers from the previous school year. Discuss all the activities that happen when they are at school, so that you can talk about school in a positive way.
- Create a morning and evening schedule with your child. If you have an elementary-aged child, keep the schedule clear and use pictures to support your schedule. If you have a middle school or high school child, create the schedule together!
Check back next week for more great tips!
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