Meet the Teacher: Paige Williams
Posted: August 29, 2023 | Written By: Lauren Douglas | Category:

It’s Back to School season at New Story Schools! We’re inviting you to get a glimpse into the lives of some of our incredible team members who are heading back into the classroom and school building to support our students throughout the 2023-2024 school year. Thank you to all our amazing team members who make an incredible impact on the lives of our students each and every day!
Team member: Paige Williams
Title: Middle school teacher
Campus: Columbus, OH
Q: Tell me a fun fact about yourself!
I played basketball through college and love anything active or that has to do with sports. I also currently have four dogs, one of which is our school therapy dog for the Columbus campus, Miss River!
Q: What was your favorite subject in school?
I was all about math and science when I was younger (and still am). I was always curious and asked a plethora of questions about the world around me. Math and science were able to supply those answers/solutions when applied and that fascinated me.
Q: What is your favorite thing about your job?
I love it when I see a student organically apply a concept that I taught them to their daily lives. Teaching someone and them doing well on a test is always nice, but that feeling that you get when they truly comprehend – euphoric.
Q: What’s the proudest achievement you’ve had while in this role?
My proudest achievement would be when I received the Teacher of the Year last year for the 2022-2023 school year. It was the first time that our school had an awards ceremony and to be one of the inaugural recipients feels pretty special.
Q: What are you most excited about for this school year?
This is my first year teaching the middle school age group. I am excited to not only push myself, but also my students and help them prepare for high school.
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