A Day in the Life of a Clinical Director - Samantha Boyd
Posted: April 19, 2023 | Written By: Drew Delligatti | Category:

Samantha Boyd, MS, BCBA, LBS is a Clinical Director at New Story Schools Throop, PA campus. Learn more about what a day in the life as a clinical director is for Samantha.
What has your career trajectory been?
Prior to New Story Schools, I was, and still am on the side, a healthcare worker. I was looking for a change of pace in a new career. I was referred to New Story by a friend who worked here as well, so I decided to give it a shot. I started as a Therapeutic Staff Support (TSS) and worked my way up in the company.
What is your day-to-day role as a clinical director?
There’s never a dull moment. I’m always busy with being in and out of classrooms, communicating with staff, planning activities for students, and lots of other things. With our activities, we try to involve many different school districts, so they know what New Story Schools is about, and how we help students that come to us. The ultimate goal is to get students back to their district and help them reduce behaviors and get them back on track, so maintaining strong relationships with our district partners is really important. For our students with autism, we provide opportunities for them to participate in the community to gain life skills, so when they leave us, they have those skills to go into the workforce as well.
What is something you look forward to everyday?
I enjoy working with my staff and students.
What has been your favorite memory so far working at New Story Schools?
I don’t have one particular memory, but I love the way the whole staff comes together for the kids. Especially, when it comes to planning the activities, everyone comes together as a team and does their part to make sure it’s going to be a good time for the kids and that they get something out of it.
What makes you proud of the work you do?
Seeing the kids happy. I feel like we’re making a difference and helping them either get back to their district or help them gain skills that they need to go further in life.
Is there any advice you could give to someone who is also looking to pursue a career in special education?
You need to have a love for it. You need to have a love for your kids. You also need to be patient, empathetic, kind, and enjoy what you want to do.
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