Autism Support Resources -- Columbus, Ohio
Posted: April 13, 2023 | Written By: New Story Schools | Category: At Home Help

New Story Schools prides itself on being a part of the vast and vibrant special education community in the areas that we serve. However, we know that, for most families, the need for services and support rarely ends with the school day. Luckily, many areas offer a variety of services for autism support.
For our families in Columbus, Ohio, you can find some resources below.
Community Resources:
- The Autism Society of Central Ohio is an affiliate of the larger Autism Society of America. This organization provides advocacy, education, information and referral support and community. Visit to learn more.
- Disability Rights Ohio provides advocacy for the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities in Ohio. Visit to learn more.
- Easter Seals Central & Southeast Ohio provides early childhood intervention, educational and therapeutic services, individual family service plans, transportation, in-home visits and transition to preschool. Visit to learn more.
- Lettuce Work Nursery helps young adults with autism transition from high school to the workplace by providing the opportunity for them to work in a retail nursery and greenhouse. Students learn workplace communication, social skills and appropriate workplace behavior. Visit to learn more.
- The Nationwide Children’s Hospital Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders provides toddler and early intensive behavioral intervention, parent training, social skills interventions, behavioral consultation, school consultation and transition services for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Visit to learn more.
- The Nisonger Center at The Ohio State University has a team of researchers, clinicians, teachers, staff and trainees that provide interdisciplinary research, education, training, clinical services and dissemination activities. Visit to learn more.
Fundraisers and Events
- Autism Speaks Columbus Walk -- Sunday, October 8, 2023 at Columbus Commons Underground Parking Garage. Learn more:
Please note that New Story Schools is not affiliated with, nor do we endorse, these services, but simply provide this as a research resource.
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