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A Look at Indiana's Student Council

New Story Schools Indiana, PA students have an opportunity every school year to earn their way up through our school wide reinforcement system to Natural Status which then enables them to be a part of our Student Council program.  Natural Status is the highest status that can be achieved at our school and enables students to function and operate as close as possible to a student attending their home school district. 

In Student Council, students work to develop leadership skills amongst their peers and engage in activities designed to promote strong social skill development and then put it into practice. This school year, our students engaged in many fun activities. One of which included fundraising to purchase and donate items to our local animal shelter.  Students had the opportunity to go the animal shelter to personally donate the items and give a little love to the cats and dogs waiting to be adopted.  Students also funded to purchase hygiene items and created backpacks full of items then donated to be given to children in foster care.  Additional fundraising included bake and candy sales at the school.  During these events, our Student Council students practice socializing with peers, staff and community members to sell their items. They also have to answer questions, be accountable for money management and so much more throughout this process.  

In addition to community-based activities, the Student Council helped to lead school-based programs including the school’s School Carnival in March and engaged in a week-long event of showing Staff some love and appreciation in May.  Staff appreciation came from these students in the form of a video kicking off the week thanking them for all that they do, a staff snack cart, thank you cards, baking and serving fresh out of the oven cookies and so much more! 

Students are excited to participate in Student Council, they get to build friendships, set strong positive examples for their peers, learn and develop many life skills that they will take with them long after they leave New Story Schools, and of course, enjoy the occasional pizza for lunch for working hard to be an integral part of our Student Council team! 

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