Virtual Parent Shout Out Week Wrap-Up
Posted: July 21, 2020 | Written By: New Story Schools | Category: Events
We've conquered another week of staying at home! Let's give ourselves a pat on the back. We've all made sacrifices, re-imagined our life and helped those nearest and dearest us to stay safe.
This week we asked parents about their experience being the primary teacher for their child. It's not easy! So again, kudos to all the parents on the task of teaching.
On Monday, we asked what your child would say about their new teacher -- you!
Your children didn't hold back. Some kids said their new teacher was "a mess." Others said "annoying" or "a pain." One student said their parent was "OK." Others had more positive reports. One student said their parent "drives me nuts but (is) helpful." We'll take it! Another child said, "very nice." And our favorite description of a parent/teacher was "caring and helpful."
On Tuesday, we asked what subject you most enjoy working with your student on.
Two parents like working on science with their kids. Two parents liked math best (one math, one algebra). One parent said they liked working with their child on speech, one said English and reading, and another parent said they enjoyed working with their child on life skills. Finally, one parent chose three favorites: math, history and art -- specifically Lego creations.
On Wednesday, we asked you what subjects you like working with your student the least.
Three parents hate working on math. One person even wrote, "MATH MATH MATH it's pure torture." Well, tell us how you really feel! Other parents disliked working on reading, language arts or science. The same parent who enjoyed working with their student on life skills admitted that helping their child apply for jobs was the worst. We don't blame you! Searching for a job is hard work.
On Thursday, we asked you to imagine a parents-only party. All the attendees are people who supported you with online resources you've relied on during this period of staying at home. We asked: what would you most want at this party?
We got one response, and it seems to sum things up pretty well: A place to relax.
On Friday, we asked you what advice you have for other parents to support online learning during the pandemic. We got some really great responses:
- "Go Noodle, Super Simple Songs, and Cosmic Kids Yoga for brain break.
- Have a schedule so they know what to expect.
- Use first/then sequence.
- Offer two choices when possible.
- Follow reinforcement system.
- Stay relaxed and Google if needed.
- Ask for help. Everyone is in this together.
- Patience. Have edible rewards available!
- Give breaks, don't rush, offer rewards.
Thanks for your responses! We love hearing from you.
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