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An elementary school boy sits in front of a computer in his special education school while holding up a page of autographs.



Meet Brendan: Cartophile and Future Traveler

Meet Brendan: Cartophile and Future Traveler

Brendan: Age: 15, Grade: 10
Campus: New Story Schools, Monroeville.

Loves: Geography, maps, history, relaxing inside with his PlayStation and Xbox.

Siblings: A twin sister and younger brother.

Future Plans: Own a restaurant, maybe even one serving Greek cuisine. Wants to travel to places like Norway, Germany, and Austria.

Favorite Teacher: All of them.

Big Wins: Brendan had a tough time in 9th grade when a close family member was diagnosed with cancer. The family member is in good health today, and they spend time together talking and cooking through their recovery. Brendon has been with New Story Schools for one year and loves it. It’s smaller, and there are people you can relate to. He has made friends easily and feels comfortable at school. When asked what he wants people to know about him, Brendan said, “I might be small and quiet but I’m just like you.”

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